Over the last week Jeremy and I drove across the country in our move from Minneapolis to San Diego, and in between true crime podcasts we had discussions about our big move and who we are trying to become both personally and professionally.
We did this exercise, talking about what jobs we would ideally be doing within the next five years and what we wanted our lives to look like.
Then we spit balled actions (read: inspired actions) asking ourselves what would THAT person be doing that we weren't already. And what of those actions could we do NOW to get us one step closer to living the way we wanted to live and in alignment with our purpose.
Here are some things that came out of the car conversation about this for me.
Within five years I will be hosting sold out retreats all over the world, helping women transform their lives and creating businesses that are the fullest expressions of themselves.
So what is THAT woman doing that I am not already? The trick here is...
One year ago this week, I quit my corporate oil career. “Knees weak, arms are heavy there’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti. He’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down...”
This Eminem intro song perfectly sums me up on the morning I quit my corporate career. Well, everything but the vomit and the fact that I am a she.
I had spent five years building relationships, climbing the corporate ladder, getting accolades and performance bonuses. This was going to be a bomb.
The day had come, the day I had been counting down for a year. IT WAS HAPPENING! Honestly, I felt like a little kid asking for permission to go to the bathroom in class. But, I had made the decision to do this thing.
I told my boss calmly and confidently that I had the opportunity to start my own business and if I didn’t do it, I would always regret it. I was met with stunned silence, and then...
Where are my visionaries out there?
How many ideas do you have in the notes app on your phone that have never seen the light of day? How many ideas have you kept from the world because you haven’t really gone for it yet?
Maybe it’s just a new offer, but one that really lights you up. Or a brand new business idea. Or a new arm to your existing business. Or a complete change to your way of life, doing exactly what you want to do.
That used to be me. 2018 was the year that I actually picked ONE idea, ran with it and it has completely changed my life.
But that used to be me. I got way into the ‘invention convention’ in 7th grade, my project consisted of welding together an alarm clock and a tape recorder (obviously this was before voice notes and iphones) so that when you had ideas at night, you could record them into the tape recorder and when the alarm went off in the morning it would play back the recording to you.
I had sticky notes in my...
It's here! Another new year, a fresh start. Have anything you were waiting to release until today, the first day of 2019?
If you're either a self proclaimed or peer proclaimed 'high achiever' like me, you have probably suffered at some point with perfectionism. In fact, you may have even used it as a 'weakness' for a job interview thinking that it was a cleverly disguised strength.
In the corporate world you were probably right, but in the realm of running a business, perfectionism is just another word for procrastination, and I'm going to just say it, fear. I'm saying this purely because I am so very guilty of it.
When we are in preparation, consuming, learning and perfection mode, we can't fail. There is no one to judge you, it's SAFE, so a lot of us get stuck here. We convince ourselves that we need to learn more, know more, become a better expert before we can actually serve anyone, let alone sell anything.
We negotiate with our minds,...
Getting into this whole manifestation thing?
I am going to make this SUPER simple. How the heck do you manifest things or take things that you want in your mind and have them come into your physical reality.
Last week, we talked about WHAT manifestation is. Today I want to talk about HOW.
The universe takes you SUPER literally, which can be a problem because most people think about what they DON'T want versus what they do want.
An example of this is brought to you by my best friend, she is getting married next fall. During her work outs she does one minute planks. As she holds the position she repeats over and over to herself; 'If I can hold this it won't rain on my wedding day'.
What we have since discussed, is that your subconscious does not understand negatives. So what her subconscious hears when she is saying that to herself over and over is "rain on my wedding day".
Won't, don't, can't, doesn't, not - all negative words that the...
I recently turned a corner when it comes to manifestation. As in, I have become kind of obsessed with it, and even if it's a placebo situation I am totally okay with it.
Have you heard of it?
Do you practice it?
Manifestation basically means that something that was once a part of your imagination becomes actualized into your physical reality. Everything starts as an idea before it is built. Kind of like that saying "if you believe it, you can achieve it."
Everything in your reality has been created from ideas, or thoughts.
When you think a thought enough, it becomes a subconscious belief. And 95% of the thoughts you think per day are subconscious thoughts. Those beliefs become stories that you tell yourself, and when you tell yourself that same story long enough it becomes your identity. Your identity determines the actions that you take and shapes your reality or your environment.
You may begin to see here how these thoughts can be positive or...
Anyone else hearing Taylor Swift's 'End Game' in their head with that title..? No, just me... ok! Down to business.
If you’re anything like me, you spend your days building, growing, and scaling your business. But have you ever asked yourself what your business will look like when it’s ‘done’?
In a perfect world, how many clients would you have?
What kind of services do you provide?
How many employees do you have?
How much money are you making?
What kind of lifestyle do you have?
If you haven’t done this exercise yet, take a moment to do so. As Steven Covey said in '7 Habits of Highly Effective People', "begin with the end in mind". If you know what you are trying to build it creates a great filter for any new products, ideas, hires, etc.
You’ll become more focused on building the business you actually want versus being distracted by what others in the space are doing.
They have a different endgame.
For example, if you know...
One of the reasons that I named my business the Created Future Academy is because we all have the ability to create whatever future we desire.
First in our minds and then in our reality.
Our future only exists in our mind so we can really have any future we want... right?
It hasn’t happened yet, it isn’t real. Just like our interpretation of our past experiences, that isn’t real either, it’s in our minds. Sure it happened, but it's our interpretation of what happened.
Dan Sullivan says that your future is your property. You can do anything you want with it. I really love thinking about life this way.
You are given the choice to think about your future any way you want, yet so many people dread their future. But that future they are dreading was created by their imagination...
Your future doesn’t have to be determined by your past experiences. You can make decisions based on alternative outcomes in your MIND. It’s all imaginary,...
Maximize your productivity so that you can avoid day to day distractions that can take you off course from achieving your goals.
To improve your execution, you’re going to need to focus on the key strategic activities each and every week.
My invitation to you is to use this method to keep yourself focused and productive this week.
If you joined me in our Create YOUR Future Workshop you already have a sense for what you want this future to look like. If you have not, make sure and grab the Create Your Future Roadmap to get clear on your vision.
Saves Time and Provides Focus
There should be a direct link between the actions today and the results you’re trying to achieve.
Identify the top couple of things that will have the greatest impact and then go after those THIS WEEK.
Include due dates and assigned responsibilities.
Your weekly PLAN reflects the strategic activity that needs to...
50% Complete
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