Approachable Manifesting

vision Aug 13, 2019

Over the last week Jeremy and I drove across the country in our move from Minneapolis to San Diego, and in between true crime podcasts we had discussions about our big move and who we are trying to become both personally and professionally.  

We did this exercise, talking about what jobs we would ideally be doing within the next five years and what we wanted our lives to look like.โ  

Then we spit balled actions (read: inspired actions) asking ourselves what would THAT person be doing that we weren't already.โ  And what of those actions could we do NOW to get us one step closer to living the way we wanted to live and in alignment with our purpose.โ 

โ Here are some things that came out of the car conversation about this for me. 

Within five years I will be hosting sold out retreats all over the world, helping women transform their lives and creating businesses that are the fullest expressions of themselves.

So what is THAT woman doing that I am not already? The trick here is not to judge yourself for what you aren't yet doing, or to filter what comes through as insignificant. Everything that comes through is your intuition and that is the best information you can get. 

So for me what comes through when I think about the women who is running sold out retreats all over the world is:

  • She has sold out her first Bali retreat
  • She showers and puts on make up every day
  • She is active and incorporates movement into her life
  • She has a schedule that isn't restrictive, but moves her forward
  • She talks about her retreats EVERY DAY
  • She has both international and more accessible retreat options (in country) 
  • She meets with women that she can help, she gets to know them, their struggles and helps them. Service is a part of who she is. 

The parts of that, that I can incorporate into my life now to start to become that woman, my higher self, my ideal future reality is to: 

  • Start showering and putting on makeup daily 
  • Incorporate activity and movement into a schedule that isn't too restrictive but moves me forward. I am not a routine person, so coming up with something that works for me, but is flexible is KEY. 
  • Get to know more women who are in corporate jobs that they hate locally, join meet ups in San Diego and connect with people on Instagram who may need some assistance figuring out what to do next. 
  • Share more about my retreat online and in person, talking about what I do and the transformation I have planned in Bali. 
  • Create a new in country retreat offering (San Diego or Big Bear) 

This is #MANIFESTATION in real life. Figuring out who you want to become, getting clear on your purpose and taking inspired action towards that thing.โ  

If you're thinking that you'd like to start a business in the next five years, what would your inspired actions be?โ 

If you have a side hustle and want to be a full time CEO within the next five years, what would that that full time CEO in your business be doing that you aren't already doing?
If you want to talk about your next steps schedule a free corporate to entrepreneurship transition call with me here, I'd love to help you take some inspired action. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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