Coming from a corporate background I've found that a lot of things I was trained to do in my career are no longer serving me now that I've made the transition into the glamorous life of entrepreneurship.
I want to share my top three in the hopes that some of these may resonate with you. Because once we become aware of limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that are no longer serving us, it is so much easier to change them:
1) We were told to fill the gaps where we had weaknesses rather than encouraged to play to our strengths. Every opportunity seemed like another chance to make you a more 'well rounded employee'.
When you own a business the mentality is so different. You know that your strengths are what set you apart and you can outsource any weaknesses. As business owners we don't need to learn everything, and if we try we are wasting precious time, energy and resources.
I would catch myself trying to learn something new that I hated, a couple hours into it I would...
What is the typical response that you have when someone is chasing you…?
You run.
It’s human nature, so why when we talk about sales and marketing in our business do we constantly find ourselves pursuing clients and having them RUN away from us?
Wouldn’t you rather have your clients come to you, versus have them running away screaming?
This is why you need a client attraction strategy. And funnily enough this strategy looks a lot like offering up VALUE for your potential customers. FOR FREE.
Really SERVING them and giving them a taste of what it is like to work with you.
When I first started my business, I was doing what all of the experts said to do when you have an online business to get clients. I was hosting webinars that gave frameworks and tidbits of information, but not really sharing my zone of genius in a way that made my customers realize what it would be like to work with me.
I found that a majority of my clients (80%) were...
Anyone else hearing Taylor Swift's 'End Game' in their head with that title..? No, just me... ok! Down to business.
If you’re anything like me, you spend your days building, growing, and scaling your business. But have you ever asked yourself what your business will look like when it’s ‘done’?
In a perfect world, how many clients would you have?
What kind of services do you provide?
How many employees do you have?
How much money are you making?
What kind of lifestyle do you have?
If you haven’t done this exercise yet, take a moment to do so. As Steven Covey said in '7 Habits of Highly Effective People', "begin with the end in mind". If you know what you are trying to build it creates a great filter for any new products, ideas, hires, etc.
You’ll become more focused on building the business you actually want versus being distracted by what others in the space are doing.
They have a different endgame.
For example, if you know...
50% Complete
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