How to Manifest

Nov 13, 2018

Getting into this whole manifestation thing? 

I am going to make this SUPER simple. How the heck do you manifest things or take things that you want in your mind and have them come into your physical reality. 

Last week, we talked about WHAT manifestation is. Today I want to talk about HOW. 

The universe takes you SUPER literally, which can be a problem because most people think about what they DON'T want versus what they do want. 

An example of this is brought to you by my best friend, she is getting married next fall. During her work outs she does one minute planks. As she holds the position she repeats over and over to herself; 'If I can hold this it won't rain on my wedding day'.

What we have since discussed, is that your subconscious does not understand negatives. So what her subconscious hears when she is saying that to herself over and over is  "rain on my wedding day".

Won't, don't, can't, doesn't, not - all negative words that the...

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