From Corporate Employee to Entrepreneur

Uncategorized Jun 25, 2019

Last week I hosted an incredible challenge helping women get clearer on who they are so that they can build businesses that are the freest, fullest versions of themselves.

Because honestly, I don't believe that looking at what everyone else is doing and emulating them is going to fulfill you, I believe that you truly uncovering who you are and what you stand for will make the difference. So that is what last week's challenge aimed to do. 

The first day's exercise was all about defining your default and created future. As a bonus and thank you for being a part of the created future family, you can grab the worksheet here.

The reason we start here, is because in order to get much out of the rest of the week or future work on your life and business you have to want to make the commitment to change. 

When I first did this exercise, my default future, or my future if nothing changed was that in five years I would be wealthy, living in Texas and be in middle management. Wealthy sounded nice, but it wasn't enough.

I was made for more. My created future was unknown and scary and it didn't happen all at once, but it essentially looks like the life I am living today, because I made the decision to go for it. Monday would have been my 19th vacation day of the year if I were in corporate.. I was only allocated 10...

The transition from corporate employee to entrepreneur was a slow process for me. When I say slow from the time I made the decision to leave to the day that I turned in my notice it took 2.5 years.

Something that I wish I had when making this transition was somewhere to go, take some time off work, learn from someone who had done this before, get my business up and running, ask questions as I went and know that if I leapt, yes the net would appear, but more importantly I knew some people that would have my back. 

What I wanted didn't exist then for beginners, but it does now. 

Introducing the Business Building Immersion Retreat happening this November in Bali, Indonesia. This transformative experience is application only, because there are only 10 spots available and we want to make sure you're ready to make some changes. 

You'll walk away from the retreat with:

Your corporate escape plan mapped out, no matter how long you need to make the transition (you won't feel any pressure, we will do this in a way that feels good to you).

Your one year business plan broken out into a 90 day business strategy and implementation plan so you know exactly what to do day by day to keep your business moving and aligned with your strengths and values.

Your content created for your social channels, so you know exactly what your message is, who you are trying to reach and exactly what to post and where, free to be your most authentic self. 

Nine new fabulous women who will support the hell out of you and remind you why you came to the retreat after you've gone back home.

Photos to use in all your marketing from our Bali photo shoot, because when else are you going to get epic jungle photos?

Memories of a lifetime from your week long vacation in one of the highest vibrational places on earth. 

If this is something that is calling you, if you feel like you need to be there, that's how you know this is a fit. 

For more information check it out here, the early bird pricing is available for those who apply before Sunday, June 30th.

Q3 starts next week, time is flying by and I would love to help you make this the year that you started living for you.


50% Complete

Two Step

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