Take Care of Yourself

Oct 02, 2018

I've recently joined a bunch of Facebook groups in a similar space to the one I operate in. Business owners are posting in these groups bragging about how many hours per day they work, trying to one up each other like it is something to be proud of.

But, those are the same business owners who eventually post about how sick, burnt out or tired they are. 

Stress and burn out are REAL. If we put our minds and bodies under constant stress and work, they will revolt. Bodies do it all the time. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are in your business for the long haul...

And we all know from the children's story that slow and steady wins the race. 

Then there is the 'self care' crowd, discussing daily massages, baths, candles, crystals and more.

To me, self care just means... taking care of yourself. Doing what you need to do in order to show up as the best version of yourself. When you run a business there can be such a blurry line between life and work. 


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