The Fear Antidote

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2019

Since I have a business to help women leave corporate, I come across a lot of fear.


Fear that they’re not good enough.

Fear that they aren’t ready.

Fear that their partner or spouse won’t understand.

Fear that their contribution to their household income will change.


But all of that fear seems to be tied to one thing: Money.


Our relationship with money is impacted by so many factors, but it all goes back to the story we tell ourselves about money.


A prominent money story that I carried around with me for a couple of decades was that making money was hard work.  


I grew up hearing that money didn’t grow on trees.


And transitioning from a reliable paycheck to getting paid when I’d earned it was… let’s say… challenging.


I went into my new business with the idea that the harder I worked, the more money I would make.


Here’s when my money story changed...


When I started to work smarter and not harder. When I started to prioritize the things that mattered. When I started to work on the things that would bring in consistent revenue, like a sales system.


THAT made me money.


And when the money started flowing in, and I was getting to do what I was actually good at...


The fear disappeared. My money story changed.


What Would It Take to Get You to Stop Wishing and Start Doing?


So let’s flip the script for you.


If you were already making money in your business, would you still feel like you weren’t good enough?


No. Because you’d be paid for your services and getting amazing client reviews.


Would you fear that you weren’t ready?


No. Because you would be doing it already and gettin’ paid.


Would your spouse not understand?


No. Because your business would be successful.


Would your contribution be less?


No. Because you’d have a system in place to generate revenue.


I know this sounds like a pipe dream… but it’s not.


It’s real and it’s possible for you.

1. If You Know You Want to Leave Corporate, You Need a Plan


Now what if you had a step-by-step escape plan that was guaranteed to earn you money before you quit your job?


So that when you were ready to make that transition away from your career...


You were already making money in a way that feels good to you.


Would those fears go away?


From speaking to many of my own clients, I’m willing to bet they would.


When we set up systems in our business we create an escape plan and give ourselves permission to take messy action in a new direction.


To get an idea of what your system could look like here are a couple of questions to help you find a unique structure to find, serve and sell to your people:


  • Of all the people in the world, who have you decided to help and why?


  • Where do those people hang out consistently both in person and online?


  • Where can people find you and your content?


  • Of all of these places, which ONE platform do you feel best represents what you want your audience to feel about your business and why?


  • Can you show up there consistently?


2. Now That You Know What You Want, Work Backwards


When you get a sense of where you’ll be, next you’re going to want to look at how you are showing up.


After all, showing up consistently on Instagram with other people’s quotes is a little different than showing up providing unique value that is aligned with the offers you have.


To position yourself as a valuable resource, you have to  actually be a valuable resource for the clients you want to serve.


Here are a few questions to help guide you:


  • What problem am I solving?


  • Based on that problem, why is your offer so important?


By creating content that serves this purpose in a way that is unique to you, you’ll attract people who want help solving the problem you’re in business to solve.


Then you’ll find people who would love to pay for your services.


3. Get Clarity on How You’ll Sell to Your Audience


Last but not least, ask yourself how you can best sell your services with these questions:


  • What method to sell my service would provide the most value and be aligned with how I can best help my people? Ex: webinar, workshops, speaking, challenges, etc


  • How do you want your clients to purchase from you? Ex: sales page, phone call, webinar, in person


So there you have it, 3 easy ways you can start creating your own simple sales system to attract a wait list of clients - so you can finally quit your corporate job.


The sales system I teach my clients can be cultivated while you’re still in your career.


This system works because it eliminates the shiny object syndrome that overwhelms side hustlers and newly full-time entrepreneurs.


Because it keeps you focused on the core levers you need to move your business forward.


Taking it beyond idea...
Beyond side hustle...
Beyond freelance status...

And into a replicable income producing machine.


Ready to start planning your corporate escape with a sales system for your business?


Let’s build it together!


If you're sitting there asking yourself how you can make this system possible for you... let's hop on a call! I'll show you exactly how you can structure your business without the shiny object syndrome.


50% Complete

Two Step

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